With featured speaker… Another successful ManUp conference is in the books. Good message, good worship and good food! If you would like to listen to the three messages, we have them posted below… https://youtu.be/HPrZEre_Wv0https://youtu.be/7u56gdErBvMhttps://youtu.be/3n_5Xb205k8 Graeme Kirk Graeme is an elder and full-time worker at Bethany Gospel Chapel in Hamilton. He is married to Jen and…
Category: Men’s Conference
Thank You!!! We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone that made this years ManUp Conference a success. All the people that helped organize, manage and put on the event and especially all those who attended. Work on next year’s conference has already begun. Unfortunately the audio recordings were corrupted and we…
On February 28 & 29, 2020, Ron Hughes presented “Facing the Elephant : Without Getting Trampled” A seminar on conflict resolution. We enjoyed having Ron Hughes present this workshop with a biblical perspective.You can learn more about Ron Hughes and his ministry at fellowpilgrim.org All kinds of people have issues which should be addressed, but…