Tag: Tom Hart

  • Heaven


    Heaven Speaker: Tom Hart Key Verses : Revelation 21:1-5 Get notified! If you would like to be notified of new messages when they are uploaded to our website, simply fill out the form below and we will add you to the notification list

  • The Importance of the Resurrection

    The Importance of the Resurrection

    Click on the video below to view this weeks message Enjoy Tom Harts Easter Sunday Message on the Importance of the Resurrection. The key passage is 1st Corinthians 15. Tom reads from the English Standard version if you want to read along in your bible.

  • Spiritual Gifts

    Spiritual Gifts

    Click on the video below to view this weeks message Tom Hart opens up 1 Corinthians chapter 12 and teaches us about spiritual gifts. What they are, who has them, when do we get them and much more. https://youtu.be/sl5GKMTZV-0