Tag: Stephen March

  • John 3

    John 3

    John 3 Speaker: Stephen March Key passage – John Chapter 3 In the New Testament, Jesus’ interaction with Nicodemus is detailed in John 3:1-21. Nicodemus, a Pharisee and a member of the Jewish ruling council, visits Jesus at night. He acknowledges Jesus as a teacher sent from God because of the miraculous signs Jesus performs. […]

  • The Good Father

    The Good Father

    Click on the video below to view this weeks message Found in Luke Chapter 15, the parable of the Lost Son or Prodigal Son recounts the relationships between a father and his two sons. Stephen March takes a look at the passage and shows us some additional take-aways. Watch the video below to see why […]

  • Cast, Commit, Consider

    Cast, Commit, Consider

    Speaker Stephen March from FBH International gives an update on things going on with Family Bible Hour and a short bible study on his topic of Cast, Commit, Consider.