Tag: Paul McClelland

  • Hope


    Click on the video below to view this weeks message Paul McClelland’s message of Hope. Across the scriptures, Hope has an impact. Our hope in Christ, Our hope in His return. The hope that is in the life of the believer.

  • Man Up 2023

    Man Up 2023

    Thank You!!! We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone that made this years ManUp Conference a success. All the people that helped organize, manage and put on the event and especially all those who attended. Work on next year’s conference has already begun.  Unfortunately the audio recordings were corrupted and we […]

  • Living Faith

    Living Faith

    Click on the video below to view this weeks message Paul McClelland takes us through a couple of passages in Hebrews as he teaches us about a living faith.  We learn how God can help us overcome anxiety and stress in our daily lives. Through Prayer, Praise and Truth. https://youtu.be/wAxvrD6neXE Hebrews 11:6And without faith it […]