Tag: Bob Drumm

  • Who Is Jesus?

    Who Is Jesus?

    Who Is Jesus Speaker: Bob Drumm Key passage : Matthew 8:23-27M In Matthew 8:23-27, Jesus and his disciples embark on a boat journey across the Sea of Galilee. Suddenly, a violent storm arises, tossing the boat with powerful waves. Despite the chaos, Jesus remains asleep. The disciples, fearing for their lives, wake him, saying, “Lord, […]

  • How Is Your Heart?

    How Is Your Heart?

    How Are You? Better Yet, How Is Your Heart? Speaker: Bob Drumm Psalm 46 is a well-known biblical passage  recognized for its message of trust and reliance on God in times of trouble and upheaval. A declaration of God’s power and providence in the midst of chaos and turmoil, Psalms 46 begins by asserting that […]

  • The Reality of Life In Christ Part 2

    The Reality of Life In Christ Part 2

    Click on the video below to view this weeks message Bob Drumm presents the second in a two part series. 

  • The Reality of Life In Christ

    The Reality of Life In Christ

    Click on the video below to view this weeks message Bob Drumm presents the first in a two part series.