Lock Down Update

We intend to re-open the chapel for in-person meetings on Feb28th. It is important to note that things are not back to normal though.

1.Governing Principles for re-opening
2.Procedure for Sunday Service:
a. Before the meeting
b. Order of Service
c. After the meeting
3. Miscellaneous items
Governing Principles for Re-opening From Scripture:
We want to be “…diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” (Eph. 4:3) Because, “…how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity…for there the Lord commanded the blessing.” (Psa. 133:3) 
We want to “…regard one another as more important and [ourselves];…not merely look[ing] out for [our] own personal interest, but also for the interests of others.” (Phil. 3:3,4) Because, Christ “…gave [us]an example that [we] also should do as [He] did for [us].” (Jn. 13:15) 
We want to “have regard for what is honorable, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.” (2 Cor. 8:21) Because we want to act “…in such a way that they may see [our] good works and glorify [our] Father who is in heaven.” (Matt. 5:16) 
We want to “submit [ourselves] for the Lord’s sake to every human institution…” (1 Pet. 2:13) Because, “…such is the will of God that by doing right [we] may silence the ignorance of foolish men.” (1 Pet. 2:15) 
We want to “…love one another” (Jn. 15:12) Because, “…if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” (1 Jn. 4:11)
There are also three official guidance documents which impacted our meeting procedure:
•Halton Region  COVID-19 Public Health Guidelines: Places of Worship (link)
•Ontario Ministry of Health  COVID-19 Advice: Religious Services, Rites or Ceremonies (link)
•Ontario Workplace Safety and Prevention Services  Guidance on Health and Safety for Places of Worship During COVID-19 (link)
The guiding principles from scripture will not change, but the three official guidance documents will change over time and our procedures will have to change likewise

Procedure for Sunday Service 

Before the Meeting
1.The meeting will start at 10:30am. Please arrive between 10:15am and 10:30am. Music will play in the sanctuary from 10:15-10:30am
2.Enter the building through the back door (the one with the grey ramp). The ramp has been marked with tape to show 6ft increments. Please maintain physical distance of at least 6 feet from anyone who does not live in your household or is not part of your social bubble.
3.Once you enter the building proceed directly to the welcome table in front of the sanctuary door. A greeter will walk you through the following steps:
  • Interview: You will be asked the following questions:
    i.Do you have any symptoms which could be associated with COVID-19 including cough, fever, or shortness of breath? (Yes/No)
    ii.Have you come in close contact with a person with symptoms of COVID-19 or someone with w confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days? (Yes/No)
    iii.Have you travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days? (Yes/No)
  • If the answer is yes to any of these questions we would request that you not attend the service
  • The greeter will mark down your name, so we can keep track of everyone who attends each service. This information will be used in case of an outbreak
  • You will be required to sanitize your hands using the provided hand sanitizer
  • You will be offered a mask for your personal use. Non-medical masks are recommended when physical distancing is a challenge. For different medical reasons, not everyone can wear non-medical masks
  • You will be provided with a ‘communion packet’ which includes a wafer and juice to be used during the communion service
  • An offering basket will be available for you to give your regular offering. Please make your offering on the way into the sanctuary as the basket will not be available after the service.
4.After you complete the steps at the welcome table you will proceed directly to the main sanctuary. You must sit on the aisle of one of the pews with green tape. Pews have been measured to ensure that the pews marked in green are more than 6 feet apart to maintain physical distancing.  Seating is available at either end of each marked pew.

Order of Service

10:30am – 11:00am – Breaking of Bread service
•Same format as the virtual Zoom meetings
•The service will be pre-arranged. Brothers will pray and share thoughts. The giving of thanks for the emblems is open to all men who want to participateThere will be songs played, but congregational singing is not permitted at this time
•The emblems will not be passed around, but rather we will partake using the individual communion packets
11:00am – 11:10am – announcements, prayer requests, introduce speaker
11:10am – ~11:45am – Message

After the Meeting

•The chairman will give instructions to release each row to maintain physical distancing
•Please exit the sanctuary promptly, through the back door
• If you wish to congregate in the parking lot afterwards, please ensure that you maintain physical distancing of 6 feet. We are an example to the neighbourhood, and it is important that we set a good example for those who may be driving/walking by.


Miscellaneous Items
•All areas of the chapel building apart from the sanctuary and the pathway from the back door through the foyer are off limits. Do not enter the gym, or go downstairs to the basement

•You are encouraged not to use the restrooms, but if required everyone should use the upstairs restroom near the back door. Sanitization equipment and instructions will be provided for before and after each use.

•No nursery is provided,Families with children are encouraged to bring the children in to the main service and follow after with the Sunday School which will be provided at 11:00am

•We will meet starting on Wednesday evenings the 3rd of March at 7pm for prayer


1.How long will services run in this modified way?  We don’t have a definite timeline yet, and it is likely that the service will evolve over time as government guidelines change
2.Do we have to wear the masks? Masks will be provided to anyone who needs one. They are mandatory at this time
3.Will the live Sunday meeting be streamed on Zoom? Not at this time. The future plan is to do video recordings of the Sunday messages and post them on YouTube for virtual viewing
4.Will visitors be allowed to attend the Sunday service? Yes. They will need to follow the same protocol as regular attendees, but visitors are encouraged to attend as always


On behalf of the elders and deacons