Speaker: Ray Jones
Key passage : 2 Corinthians 2 and 2
In Chapter 2, Paul addresses forgiveness and reconciliation within the Christian community. He urges the Corinthians to forgive and comfort a repentant member who had caused pain and sorrow. Paul emphasizes the importance of unity and love within the church. He also discusses his own ministry and the challenges he faces in spreading the Gospel. Paul expresses gratitude for the triumph they have in Christ and compares spreading the knowledge of God to a sweet fragrance.
In Chapter 3, Paul contrasts the ministry of the old covenant, symbolized by the law given to Moses, with the ministry of the new covenant, which is characterized by the Spirit of God. He highlights the superiority of the new covenant, which brings righteousness and freedom, over the old covenant, which brought condemnation. Paul explains how believers are transformed into the likeness of Christ through the Spirit, and he contrasts the glory of the old covenant with the surpassing glory of the new covenant. He emphasizes the role of the Spirit in enabling believers to understand the truth of God’s Word and live in freedom and righteousness.
Confidence through growth.
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